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Countdown to race day


Continue the St. Patrick’s Day celebration and kick off your racing season with the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle on Sunday, March 23! The Shamrock Shuffle is one of Chicago’s best spring running events, welcoming everyone from elite athletes to beginner runners with a one-of-a-kind course that weaves its way through Chicago’s Loop, starting and finishing in Grant Park. 

Bank of America employees can enter the 2025 Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8K Run and 2-Mile Walk for $31.* Please note that registration for the 8K Run has reached capacity. Space remains in the 2-Mile Walk.


*Please note: This offer is only available to Bank of America employees and is not transferrable to non-employees, including family members. All employee entries will be verified prior to being listed on the online confirmation page. 



Join the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle race weekend excitement by tackling a shorter distance and taking part in The Mile event on Saturday, March 22, 2025. The Mile will welcome runners of all abilities from the next generation of shufflers to local elites on a course that weaves through Grant Park. 

Bank of America employees can enter The Mile event for $20 starting on Monday, October 7.* 


*Please note: This offer is only available to Bank of America employees and is not transferrable to non-employees, including family members. All employee entries will be verified prior to being listed on the online confirmation page. 


The Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle will mail a limited number of packets to participants for the 2025 event. This will be an option for participants at the point of registration and will only be available to the first 5,000 people who select to have their packets mailed. The deadline to purchase packet mailing was Tuesday, February 4. The packet mailing option includes the shipment of your event bib number, participant t-shirt and knit hat. 


Take part in the third annual Bank of America Chicago Distance Series in 2025! The Chicago Distance Series is made up of Chicago’s premier racing portfolio: the Shamrock Shuffle 8K Run, Chicago 13.1 and Chicago Marathon. The three unique races span the outdoor running season and celebrate the vibrant and diverse nature of our local and global running communities. 

Individuals who finish all 2025 events will receive a unique Bank of America Chicago Distance Series medal and a guaranteed entry into the 2026 Bank of America Chicago Marathon.  

Bank of America employees receive a discount on entry into all three distance series events. To receive the discount, you must sign up for the race through the Bank of America employee pages listed below.  



  • Registrants for the 8K Run must be capable of maintaining a 15:00/mile pace, completing the full event distance, start line to finish line, within the event time requirement of 1 hour and 15 minutes (h:mm:ss/1:15:59). 
  • Registrants for the 2-Mile Walk must be capable of maintaining a 30:00/mile pace, completing the full event distance, start line to finish line, within the event time requirement of 1 hour (h:mm:ss/1:00:59). 
  • Participants must be 8 years of age or older on event day. Participants under 18 years of age must have a statement signed by a parent or legal guardian permitting participation. 
  • Sale and/or transfer of race entries/bib numbers is strictly prohibited.  
  • All entry fees are non-refundable, and may not be deferred toward a future event. 
  • Participants must adhere to city, state and other public health guidelines and orders.   
  • All participants must be familiar with and abide by the event rules.

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